Table of contents
No headings in the article.
Table of Content
JavaScript Basics
- var, let, const
Data Types
Primitive Data Types: string, number, boolean, null, undefined
Object Data Types: arrays, objects, functions
Declaration and Expression
Parameters and Arguments
Control Structures
Conditional Statements: if/else, switch/case
Loops: for, while, do-while
HTML and CSS Fundamentals
Basic Structure of HTML Documents
Head and Body
HTML Tags and Attributes
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Layout and Positioning
React.js Fundamentals
Introduction to React.js
What is React.js?
React.js vs other frameworks
Setting up a React.js Development Environment
Function Components
Class Components
Lifecycle Methods
Rendering Components
JSX Syntax
JSX Elements
Props and Children
Conditional Rendering
Lists and Keys
Setting Initial State
Updating State
Handling Events
Passing Props
Default Props and Prop Types
Hands-on Practice with Projects
Building a To-do List Application
Setting Up the Project
Creating Components
Managing State and Props
Adding Interactivity
Building a Calculator
Setting Up the Project
Creating Components
Handling User Input
Performing Calculations
Advanced Topics in React.js
React Router
Setting Up React Router
Creating Routes and Links
Passing Data through Routes
Introduction to Redux
Creating a Store
Defining Actions and Reducers
Connecting Components to the Store
Server-side Rendering
Introduction to Server-side Rendering
Configuring the Server
Rendering the App on the Server
Large-Scale React.js Projects
Building an E-commerce Site
Setting Up the Project
Creating Components
Managing State and Props
Adding Features like Search and Filters
Building a Social Network
Setting Up the Project
Creating Components
Managing State and Props
Adding Features like User Authentication and Messaging
Keeping Up-to-Date with React.js
Official React.js Documentation
Community Forums and Resources
React.js Conferences and Events